EGG TIMER Fashioned From A Lancashire Weaving Loom Bobbin

EGG TIMER Fashioned From A Lancashire Weaving Loom Bobbin
When the cotton industry collapsed in England in the mid 1900's and the Mills closed down there was a great deal of unused machinery left around. Enterprising folk looked at ways of utilising pieces of the machinery to try and make money and these EGG TIMERS were one result of their efforts. This Bobbin Egg Timer is 4 3/4" tall with steel caps at either end. A neat little piece of some historical interest. The cotton industry in Lancashire and the North of England began in the late 1700's and peaked around 1912...World War one stopped a lot of the exports and and in between WW1 and WW2 the industry was in a general decline with closure of most factories occurring by the 1960's to 1970's.
NZ$ 63.00 including GST

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