Country Life Journal Bound Volume Saturday July 5th to Saturday 27th December 1902

Country Life Journal Bound Volume Saturday July 5th to Saturday 27th December 1902
Great old bound volume of 26 Weekly Issues (Brown boards .. splits at very top & base of front cover) with gold embossed "COUNTRY LIFE VOLUME XIL 1902" on spine. Beautiful clean volume in wonderful condition for age...clean gloss foxing. Covers a myriad of articles and features with hundreds of photos.....major emphasis on Stately Homes and those in lived in them plus farming and agriculture and sporting events...hunting / fishing etc. and overseas travel and lifestyles. The Book measures 14 3/4" x 10" of 856 pages and weighs almost 5 kilos. Weekly Issues of this magazine are offered on-line at around FOURTY TO SIXTY UK POUNDS EACH( US $50 $80).We are offering this Volume of 26 issues at US$442.00 or ($15 EACH) COUNTRY LIFE was definitely a Magazine for "The Toffs" or High Society and Titled People back in the day! Country Life was launched in 1897 incorporating Racing Illustrated and was owned by Edward Hudson, the owner of Lindisfarne Castle and various Lutyens-designed houses including The Deanery in Sonning.At that time golf and racing served as its main content, as well as the property coverage, initially of manorial estates, which is still such a large part of the magazine. Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, the late Queen Mother, used to appear frequently on its front cover. Now the magazine covers a range of subjects in depth, from gardens and gardening to country house architecture, fine art and books, and property to rural issues, luxury products and interiors. The frontispiece of each issue usually features a portrait photograph of a young woman of society, or, on occasion, a man of society. In 2016, in its 119th year, Country Life was the subject of a three-part documentary series made by Spun Gold and which aired on BBC Two on consecutive Friday nights in March. The magazine has also celebrated its best-ever selling issue - the double issue from Christmas 2015 - and a 6th ABC increase in a row, which is an achievement no other weekly magazine publishing original content can claim. In 1997, the centenary of the magazine was celebrated by a special issue, the publishing of a book by Sir Roy Strong, the airing of a BBC2 TV programme on a year in the life of the magazine, and staging a Gold Medal winning garden at the Chelsea Flower Show. In 1999, the magazine launched a new website.
NZ$ 503.00 including GST

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